Monday, December 5, 2011

I Miss You

You, the blank white page that I type my words on.  It's not you, it's me.  It's just that I...well, I have work to do - work that pays for things like dance costumes, pizza, electricity, you know, the essentials.

I'm glad to have several jobs going.  I'm staying busy with the tutus. I have my steady (although contracted) thing going too.  And, I have one (short-term) thing where I at least get to proofread and type things about vowel combinations and consonants.  Yes, that is fun for me.  You know I'm a dork. No need to point it out.

Oh, and then there's the sickness.  3.5/6 of us seem to have it.  I started feeling badly last night, so did Sydney. She was home today, I slept pretty much right up to a weekly meeting that I have.  My internet was in and out anyway, so I guess that was someone's way of telling me I should have been sleeping.  I woke to the school calling me to get Emily.  Neither of them look or feel well tonight and now Fia is looking a little hollow in the eyes.  Peachy.

So, dear friends, don't despair.  My snark will be back soon.  I'll even bring some vodka jokes for my Russian friends. But now, I'm just. so. tired.

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