Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Once Protected All of EIU from A Tornado with Nothing But A Loaf of French Bread

I stayed up late in my dorm, watching the The Weather Channel.  I had a loaf of French Bread from WalMart.  I was a wild one, I tell you.  But had that tornado come anywhere near Charleston, everyone on MY floor would have been warned.
My obsession with watching the Weather Channel is not a new one.  I've had a fan-crush on Jim Cantore since...well, probably 1993. There was one point, during a bed-rest stint with my daughter, Emily, that I could name every on-air meteorologist on that channel.
I seriously once had a file on my computer with cool radar images in it.
Stop moving away from me.  Don't look at me like that.
I've been watching non-stop this week and I've got my geek hat on.  I'm oohing and aaaahing at the marvels of the new technology available and the advanced warning systems that have saved so many lives.
But the even the most advanced radars and split screens were no match for my tornado fighting loaf of French bread.

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