Friday, July 1, 2011

Cody Sloth Goes To Maine

A series of text messages between Cody and myself on his way to Maine: (Cody is in blue)

I left him at 4:55 a.m.

My phone dings as I pull into my driveway.

5:01 a.m
Hi mom lol miss u
Hi bubby. miss you too
Not out of the driveway yet
grandma forgot something
Oh oh bet grandpa mad

5:05 a.m. Fun to watch granpa work gps
on way to maine!!! almost

5:10 a.m. now we on road
nothing fell off yet (when I walked in the door to drop him off, my dad informed me that one of his steel brake lines had gone out the night before and had to be replaced - and then my step mom happily chimed in that she hoped none of the others went out in the mountains - way to make me feel better lol)
cute - grandpa still awake?

6:23 a.m.
mmm biscuits and gravy

8:47 a.m.
Ohio....oooh look more flat land
ha! wait til you get to PA. Longest. State. Ever.

9:25 a.m.
Ohio is dumb. the door handles aren't even handles they are like trianglular and all their toilets flush by clickin a big red button

I am tired and miss u and love u

grrrr argh i am a zombie

12:46 p.m.
hi im bored even vending machines  are dumb in ohio none of them will take a dollar

1:22 p.m.
my back hurts we pulled over so granpa could take  nap lol 

2:12 p.m.
hey guess wat....we in pensylvania slogan shouldnt be state of independance should be whole lot of nothin

Got some mentos for 99cents and gma bought me jerky

I went to Maine with my grandparents when I was just a little younger than he is.  I'm pretty sure I slept 90% of the trip.  But you know, we still had rotary phones and stuff too.

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